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Credit Reports for Slovenian and Foreign Entities

What is a credit report and how to order it?

Are you looking for a credit report or credit reports with credible credit ratings and reliable business information?

The creditworthiness of a company is reflected in the quality of its business operations. One way to get a comprehensive picture of a company is through a credit report. A credit report is a document that combines all the information about the evaluated company and helps the user make business decisions. A key component of any credible credit report is also the credit rating.

Upon your request, we can prepare a credit report on the selected company from Slovenia or abroad, providing you with a comprehensive overview of the company’s operations. The credit report for a Slovenian or Croatian company contains key data that provides comprehensive information about the financial health and risk assessment of doing business with the selected company: company registration data, representatives and owners, balance sheet data, transaction account blockades, company credit rating, tax debtors, insolvency proceedings, payment habits, etc. Similar key company information is also included in credit reports for companies from other countries worldwide.

As a special feature, in addition to preparing credit reports for individual companies for specific countries, namely Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro, we also offer the preparation of credible and high-quality credit reports by industries and competitive companies. With them, you can obtain comprehensive information about a specific market segment that is of business interest to you in one place and in a transparent manner.

The price of a credit report for a Slovenian entity is 45.00 € + VAT.
The price of a credit report for a foreign entity depends on the country in which the entity is based (starting from 55.00 € + VAT).

A credit report for Slovenian or foreign entities can be ordered in Slovenian or English language.

Are you interested in a credit report for a Slovenian or foreign entity?


Are you applying for a tender?

Some Slovenian tenders, including various entrepreneurial funds, require consideration of our credit rating as one of the mandatory conditions for applying for their grants. 

This means that a company wishing to compete for funds or other forms of support through these tenders must have an appropriate credit rating. This rating plays a crucial role in the selection of grant recipients and ensures transparency and reliability in the selection process. 

Therefore, it is essential for companies to regularly monitor and improve their credit rating if they want to take advantage of the opportunities offered by these tenders.

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