Right Data, Right Time = Your Path to Success
Check your business partnerships’ operations

Business partner risk assesment

In the EBONITETE.SI application, we offer insight into the balance sheet and income statement of all entities in Slovenia. Furthermore, we enable the calculation of a credit rating, which is a compilation of all available data about the entity. Check the calculation methodology at [LINK].

Access to the credit rating of an entity enables users to assess the risk of doing business with potential or existing business partners. Regularly updated and credible data serve as the basis for the final assessment of whether a potential or existing business partner is considered a financially reliable economic entity.

Try out the application and access all business information in one place.

The EBONITETE.SI application is the first and only one in the Slovenian business space where it is possible to obtain at any time:

Data on foreign transaction account holdings

Data on the representation of legal entities

Data on claims submissions of each entity in insolvency proceedings of other entities

Insight into the indebtedness potential of entities

Insight into summaries of audit opinions on entities

Data on the history of tax obligors and non-submission of REK forms for individual taxpayers

Information on the occurrence of presumed insolvency (payment incapacity)

Analysis using complex methods and financial models such as Altman's model, Kraliček, and discriminant analysis.

Try out the EBONITETE.SI application and reduce the risk of your own business operations.

Authentic and credible data provide answers to many key questions, which determine the decision to collaborate with a selected business partner at an acceptable level of risk.

In the application, access answers to questions like:

How successful is an existing or potential business partner? Is it solvent?

Does the business entity operate without a bank account? Does it have a bank account opened abroad?

Who represents the business entity and in what manner?

Is the business entity a tax debtor? Has it recently been a tax debtor?

Is the business entity with whom we do business too heavily indebted?

What is the indebtedness potential (credit limit) of the business entity?

How effectively does it manage receivables, inventories, and liabilities?

How much property can the business entity lose due to the bankruptcy of other entities?

How often is the credit rating of the business entity updated?

Look at the current data of business entities

Daily informant for monitoring entities

Recognizing, managing, and reducing risks at the operational level is crucial if a business entity aims for successful operations in the future. The daily informant represents a unique functionality within the framework of subject monitoring, enabling regular e-alerts about changes at the operational and functional levels of a business entity.

The first step toward effective risk management in dealing with potential or existing business partners is using the EBONITETE.SI application in a way that allows the user to create their own portfolio of business partners and activate all so-called business events (key changes at the operational level of the subject’s operations) about which they wish to be informed on a daily basis in connection with selected subjects.

The Daily informant enables automatic alerts at the operational level of the selected subject about more than 20 business events:

Bank account blocks for up to 5 days

Bank account blocks for up to 30 days

Bank account blocks over 30 days

Unblocked bank account

Opening and closing of bank accounts

Court hearings

Začeti in končani insolvenčni postopki, roki za prijavo terjatev

Insolvency proceedings

Insolvency presumption

Changes in the Business Register (change of name, address, activities, SKIS, representatives, owners, supervisory boards, commencement of VAT liability)

Other changes (decisions on deletion, deletions of subjects, statutory transformations,

Risk countries

Tax obligors

Change of credit rating

Updated financial information (audited)

Added financial information for the last business year

Added financial information for the last business year

Procedural acts in insolvency proceedings

General Meeting Notices

Encumbrances on equity interests (shares)

Business news



Participations in other entities

Announcment of ZGD-1

With their own set of business subjects and data, the user is always informed about key events and changes related to the selected set of business subjects.

Timely awareness of changes at the operational and functional levels of business entities is crucial for making decisions that lead to minimizing business risks.

The solution is simple – understanding the concept of subject monitoring, within which the Daily informant is an advanced, but more importantly, a unique functionality for users, contributing to the management of business risks.

Sample of Daily Informer

Check the liquidity of business partners

Tool for improving liquidity

Uncertain economic conditions contribute to the fact that more than ever before, business entities strive for successful operations and smooth liquidity. Good business performance is no guarantee that they do not struggle with maintaining liquidity.

Despite the fact that entities do business with customers who regularly fulfill their financial obligations, i.e., settle overdue obligations within the agreed timeframe, entities face negative effects of agreed long payment terms. Payment terms can vary in length and can practically extend to 90, 120, or even more days, which can cause liquidity shortages on the supplier’s side.

In addition to good business operations, the cash flow and liquidity of a subject (in the role of a supplier) also depend on the payer’s liquidity (in the role of a customer).

Reduce the risk of your own business operations and check the liquidity of potential and existing business partners.
Check the liquidity of business partners

Easy Application Usage

The EBONITETE.SI application provides an alternative to multiple software tools and fragmented databases by offering a comprehensive insight into the operations of more than 240,000 business entities. It is user-friendly, while being the only one where all business information is gathered in one place.

The uniqueness of the application lies in its advanced graphical user interface, making it designed to be understandable to everyone, not just users with deep accounting knowledge.

In the advanced user interface of the EBONITETE.SI application, the user’s journey is designed so that they can create a clear picture of the selected business partner’s operations in just a few moments.


Try out the modern and user-friendly credit application that provides a complete insight into the operations of more than 240,000 business entities. 

Check the liquidity of business partners

Payment index

The payment index is part of a larger internal concept that allows every entity in Slovenia to become part of a network of reporters and actively participate in shaping the system of payment habits in the Slovenian business environment.

The reporting process is entirely automated and does not require much effort. Regularly reporting information on the payment habits of business partners can have extremely positive effects on the operations of reporters.

We continuously update the payment index on a weekly or monthly basis (depending on the reporting agreement). We calculate it based on the data provided to us by our reporters.

All business entities in Slovenia can join the network of reporters. Monthly reports on payment habits are the basis for calculating the payment index.

Actively participate in shaping transparency of financial data in the Slovenian business environment. 

Check the liquidity of business partners

Find new Business Partners

Business partnership represents an agreement between two or more entities entering into business with the aim of achieving set goals.

The purpose of collaboration between entities is primarily to benefit from synergy and potential among them, increase competitiveness, expand the market, and reduce operating costs.

We can only talk about a business partnership when entities find suitable potential business partners, which is certainly not an easy task.

There are several ways to find new business partners, and we ensure that the path involving the use of the EBONITETE.SI application is truly easy, fast, and user-friendly.

Try the EBONITETE.SI application to access new business partners. 


Se prijavljate na razpis?

Nekateri slovenski razpisniki, vključno z različnimi podjetniškimi skladi, zahtevajo upoštevanje naše bonitetne ocene kot enega od obveznih pogojev za prijavo na njihove razpise.

To pomeni, da mora podjetje, ki se želi potegovati za sredstva ali druge oblike podpore prek teh razpisov, imeti ustrezno bonitetno oceno. Ta ocena igra ključno vlogo pri odločitvi o izboru prejemnikov sredstev in zagotavlja transparentnost in zanesljivost postopka izbire.

Zato je nujno, da podjetja redno spremljajo in izboljšujejo svojo bonitetno oceno, če želijo izkoristiti priložnosti, ki jih ponujajo ti razpisi.

Uporaba aplikacije kjerkoli, kadarkoli!
Zgradite novo bazo strank, poiščite nove dobavitelje, preverite poslovanje vaših partnerjev, …